Spinach and Cauliflower Saag


1 head cauliflower, washed and broken into 1-2 inch pieces

1 tbsp coconut oil 

1 teaspoon turmeric  

1 teaspoon sea salt 

 ½ yellow onion thinly sliced

2 tbsp olive oil, coconut oil or ghee

½  tsp cumin 

½  tsp turmeric 

½  tsp garam masala  

4 cups spinach 

1 tablespoon miso 

2 tbsp lemon juice 

1 clove garlic

1-inch chunk of ginger, peeled 

1 can full-fat coconut milk 

1 cup water

1 tsp turmeric 

1 tsp garam masala 

1 tbsp maple syrup 

½ tsp sea salt



Preheat the oven to 450, and gather all of your ingredients. 

Once the oven is preheated, add cauliflower to a baking sheet dry. Dry roasted vegetables on high heat with no oil, or spices is a great way to extract the flavor of the vegetable without damaging the integrity of whatever oil you're using. It also prevents the vegetables from steaming and getting mushy. 

Roast cauliflower for about 20 minutes until the tips start to brown, and the florets are tender. 

Remove from the oven and toss with coconut oil, turmeric and sea salt. 

Saute ½ sliced onion with oil, and spices for about 5 minutes, until the onions are tender. Use a little water to lubricate the pan if needed. You want the onions to be very soft and caramelized. 

Add onions to a blender along with spinach, miso, garlic, ginger, coconut milk, water, turmeric, garam masala, maple syrup and sea salt. Blend until everything is well combined, but not perfectly smooth. This is the saag.  

To a pan, add roasted cauliflower and spinach saag. Warm on medium heat for about 20 minutes, to lightly cook the spinach and allow all the flavors to combine. 

Serve over basmati or your favorite rice.  

Serves 4 

Kristine Lo

Los Angeles based Photographer and Consultant.


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